The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Anomalous Verbs: Eo and its compounds.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 70. Compounds of eo.

  • abeo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to go away.
  • adeo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to go to.
  • exeo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to go out, leave.
  • ineo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to go into, enter.
  • intereo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to perish.
  • pereo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to perish.
  • obeo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to meet (death), to die.
  • redeo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire, v.intr., to return.
  • transeo, -is, -ii, -itum, -ire,, to cross over.
  • migro, -as, -avi, -atum, -are, v.intr., to migrate.
  • ago, agis, egi, actum, agĕre, v., to act.
  • conscendo, -is, -di, -sum, -ĕre, v., to mount, to embark.
  • pello, -is, pepuli, pulsum, pellĕre, v., to drive.
  • cognosco, -is, -ovi, -itum, -ĕre, v., to ascertain, perceive.
  • animus, -i, m., mind, soul.
  • invitus, adv., unwilling.
  • Rhodanus, -i, m., Rhone.

Syntax Rule 27. Ad with the Accusative, Ab with the Ablative

Ad (with the Accusative) is the Latin for to after a Verb of Motion, and a or ab (with the Abla- tive) is the Latin for from; but the preposition is omitted before the name of a town or small island.

Obs. — In is used instead of ad whenever to means into. Ex is used instead of ab whenever from means out of.

Motion to.

  1. Ad Caesarem
  2. Romam
  3. In Italiam

iit (went).

Motion from.

  1. A Caesare
  2. Roma
  3. Ex Italia

venit (came).

Obs. — In all the Perfect Tenses v is frequently omitted.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn the Syntax Rule 27., the Observations, the conjugation of eo.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • ibas; adiit; rediam; obiit; transirem; ite.
  • ibo; abeunt; redires; perimus; transiturus; eunto.
  • ibis; exit; redibo; mteribunt; adeamus; eundi.

2. Say off the Latin (supplying iit or venit) for:

  • from the camp; from Greece; from Alexander; to Britain.
  • to the general; to Greece; from Alexandria; to Capua.
  • to the army; from Sparta; from the Germans; from Spain.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Exercitus ex agris in urbem iit.
  2. Obsides a Gallis ad Senatum veneraut.
  3. Consules Roma post hiemem abierunt.
  4. Multae aves trans mare ante hiemem abibunt
  5. Vere redibunt.
  6. Germani Rhenum transierunt et in Gallorum fines venerunt.
  7. Pulsi ex Italia in Graeciam eamus.
  8. Helvetii ex alia civitate in aliam ire volebant.
  9. "Proficiscamur" inquit, "ad bellum, et in proelio cum Gallis obeamus".
  10. Cicero navem conscendit in Macedoniam transiturus.
  11. Quum animi nostri ex corporibus exierint, non interibunt.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. The general will shortly return to the army.
  2. Very-many (persons) wish to go to Rome.
  3. Driven from Sparta, they went to Alexandria.
  4. The Helvetii begged that they might cross the Rhone.
  5. After death the body perishes ; the soul will never perish.
  6. Who doubts that Hannibal crossed the Alps with an army?
  7. Many of the enemy perished in that battle.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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