The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Comparison of Adjectives. Irregular.
- Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
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Vocabulary 23. Comparison of Adjective. Irregular.
- ver, veris, n., spring.
- aestas, -atis, f., summer.
- auctumnus, -i, m., autumn.
- hiems, emis, f., winter.
- sapientia, ae, f., wisdom.
- laus, -dis, f., praise.
- nihil, n., pron./adj. indecl., nothing.
- aut, conj., or.
- Romanus, -i, m., a Roman (noun).
- vetus, -eris, adj., old.
- dives, -itis, adj., rich.
Exercise A
- Learn Vocabularies 21.-23., the Numerals 100-2000, and Irregular Adjectives.
- Compare the Latin Adjectives for good, slender, bad, low, great, wretched, old, small, much, little, worthless, rich.
- Decline together majus opus; melior cibus; mos pessimus.
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Exercise B
1. Say off the Comparative and Superlative of:
- parvus; multus; facilis; tener.
- clarus; longus; tristis; acer.
- sacer; magnus; malus; velox.
- aeger; vetus; celer; dives.
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Noctes hieme longiores sunt quam dies.
- Omnes cives maximam Fabio laudem dant.
- Aestate noctes sunt brevissimae.
- Plurimi elephanti ingentia animalia sunt.
- Pulcherrimi sunt flores auctumno.
- Luna minor est quam sol aut terra.
- Vere arbores pulcherrimae sunt.
- Nihil est melius quam vera sapientia.
- Sol lucem die dat, nocte luna.
- Romani duo millia hostium occidunt.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- The master praises (his) best scholars.
- Pears are sweetest in autumn.
- No city is more famous than Rome.
- Very many islands are larger than Cyprus.
- In the enemy's army are five thousand men.
- A year has three hundred and sixty-five days.
- Wisdom is better than gold.
- Gold is heavier than silver.
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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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