The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Demonstrative Pronouns.
[This Exercise may be deferred until those in the Active Voice are done.]
- Section A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Section B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Sections C and D contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
Obs. — Hic is this near me; Iste is that near you, or that of yours; Ille is that yonder. Is refers to something previously mentioned. They may all be translated by he, she, it, etc., when used without a noun.
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- Learn once more the verbs at the head of all the previous Exercises, the way to decline duo and tres, and the Demonstrative Pronouns.
- Decline iste throughout.
- Decline together hic nauta; ista filia; illud animal; is gladius; ea hasta; id oppidum.
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Exercise B
1. Put the proper form of hic before the following Nouns
- gradus; graduum; navis (GEN); flumen.
- gradui; gradibus; navi; flumina.
- gradu; gradus (ACC); navium; flumine.
- gradum; gradus (GEN); navibus; fluminum.
2. Put the proper form of ille before the same Nouns
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Domimis equum huic servo dat et illi canem.
- Discipuli huius magistri meliores sunt quam illis.
- Miles hunc hominera defendit et ilium occidit.
- Iste canis me terret.
- Fabius mihi amicus est; pater meus eum amat.
- Amicus meus non est validus; iter ei noxium erit.
- Horum puerorum pater est dives, illorum pauper.
- Magister diligenter discipulos amat; praemia iis dat.
- Isti servi sunt fidelissimi.
- Nomen illius ducis clarius erat quam huius regis.
- Hoc metallum gravius est quam illud.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- This flower is more beautiful than that
- This tree is more lofty than that.
- That companion (of yours) is a bad boy.
- The queen has two daughters; she loves them very much.
- The king has two sons; he praises them very highly.
- These pears are sweeter than those plums.
- The names of those brave men will ever be famous.
- The fruit of these trees is sweeter than (the fruit) of those.
- Those scholars (of yours) are very diligent.
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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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