The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Deponent Verbs.
- Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
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Vocabulary 64. First Conjugation, Deponents.
- moror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to delay, retard.
- hortor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to exhort, cheer on, encourage.
- cohortor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to exhort, cheer on, encourage.
- miror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to admire.
- admiror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to admire.
- precor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to pray.
- proelior, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to fight, engage in battle.
- populor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to lay waste.
- veneror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to reverence.
- comitor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to accompany.
- aspernor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to despise.
- venor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to hunt.
- supero, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to overcome, to pass over.
- occupo, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to take possession, occupy.
- certe, adv., certainly.
- vox, vocis, f., voice.
Exercise A
- Learn Vocabulary 64., and what is said of Deponent Verbs in your Latin Grammar.
- Write out the Indicative of miror.
- Write out the Infinitives and Participles, Active and Passive, of aro, terreo, duco, and finio.
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Exercise B
1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:
- moraris; moretur; moratus; moratus es; morare.
- moraberis; morareris; moraturus; morati sint; morantor.
- morabatur; morabor; morandi; moratus sim; morans.
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Sacerdotes eos, qui in urbe morabantur, hortati sunt.
- Feminae in deorum templis precabantur dum homines proeliabantur.
- Quis dubitat quin Romani Gallorum agros populaturi sint?
- Venerare Deum et voluptatem aspernare.
- Graeciae templa maxime admiramur.
- Amici nostri eras venabuntur; eos comitemur.
- Britanni cum Romania fluctibus impeditis proelinntur.
- Hostes proelio superati montem occupare conaturi sint.
- Admiramur lusciniae vocem et plumas pavonis.
- Quis dubitat quin Hannibal Alpes superare conatus sit.
- Brutus Oaesarem vulneravisse scitur.
- Lupus Bomulum et Bemum nutrivisse dicitur.
- Romulus Remum occidisse dicitur.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- Boys admire soldiers and their horses.
- My father encourages me to learn diligently.
- The Gauls will certainly endeavour to overcome the Germans.
- You accompanied us yesterday; we will accompany you to-day.
- Caesar, having encouraged the soldiers, drew-up (his) line-of-battle.
- Let us admire the wisdom of God.
- It is (the part) of a good man to reverence God.
- Saturn is said to have come into Italy.
- Having laid-waste the fields of the Gauls, the Germans attacked their camp.
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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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