The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Deponent Verbs (continued).


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 65. 2nd and 3rd Conjugation, Deponents.

  • conor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to endeavour, attempt.
  • polliceor, -ēris, pollicitus sum, -ēri,, to promise.
  • vereor, -ēris, veritus sum, -ēri,, to revere, fear.
  • tueor, -ēris, tuitus sum, -ēri,, to protect, look.
  • mereor, -ēris, meritus sum, -ēri, v.dep., to deserve (to).
  • misereor, -ēris, -eritus and -ertus sum, -ēri, v.dep., to pity.
  • obliviscor, -ĕris, oblitus sum, oblivisci, v.dep., to forget.
  • reminiscor, -ĕris, -, reminisci, v.dep., to call to mind.
  • consulo, -is, -ui, -ultum, consulēre,, to consult.
  • injuria, -ae, f., an injury.
  • beneficium, -i, n., a benefit.
  • Christianus, -i, m., a Christian.
  • legatus, -i, m., an ambassador, a lieutenant.
  • proles, -is, f., young, offspring.
  • uxor, -oris, f., a wife.
  • salus, -utis, f., safety.

Syntax Rule 25. Future Participle in purpose tenses.

The Future Participle may be used to express a purpose; as, puella matrem consultura venit, the girl comes (about) to consult her mother.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 65., and revise Vocabulary 64.
  2. Write out the Conjunctive of tueor.
  3. Write out the Infinitives and Participles, Active and Passive, of laudo, exerceo, tego, and munio.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • mereor; merearis; meritus; meritus est; merens.
  • merebor; mereremur; meriturus; meriti sitis; merendi.
  • meremur; mereamini, meretor; meritus esse; mereri.

2. Give all the Participles of mereor in agreement with duce, militum, discipulos, and sororis.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Deus aeternam vitam nobis pollicitus est.
  2. Sapientis est Deum vereri et venerari.
  3. Ohristiani est injuriaruin oblivisci.
  4. Ne beneficiorum obliviscamur.
  5. Pueri, pauperum misereri discite.
  6. Titus missus cum equitatu ad castra venit.
  7. Fere omnia animalia prolem tuentur.
  8. Puer venit patrem consulturus.
  9. Veritus hostium adventum, Titus castra muniri jusserat.
  10. Tuebimur eos cives quorum agros populati estis.
  11. Milites, qui ducis salutem tuiti erunt, maximam laudem merebuntur.
  12. Legati ad Senatum pacem petituri veniunt.
  13. Nescimus quis in Italia recturus sit.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Horatius is said to have slain three wounded brothers.
  2. The general exhorted his soldiers to remember their country.
  3. A good father will protect his children.
  4. It is (the mark) of a good man to pity the miserable,
  5. Let us forget injuries, my friends.
  6. My master has promised me a reward.
  7. I will endeavour to deserve the promised reward.
  8. The lieutenants come to the camp (about) to consult Caesar,
  9. Soldiers, ca11-to-mind your wives and children.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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