The Beginner's Latin Exercises. First Conjugation - Active Voice. Imperative and Infinitive Moods.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 33. First Conjugation.

  • muto, -as, -avi, -atum, -are, v., to change.
  • narro, -as, -avi, -atum, -are, v., to relate.
  • judico, -as, -avi, -atum, -are, v., to judge.
  • vito, -as, -avi, -atum, -are, v., to avoid.
  • fabula, -ae, f., a story.
  • coelum, -i, n., the sky.
  • liberi, -orum,, children.
  • mores, -um,, manners, character.
  • nemo, neminis, m./f., nobody.
  • improbus, -a, -um, adj., wicked.
  • jucundus, -a, -um, adj., pleasant.
  • debilis, -e, adj., feeble.
  • semper, adv., always.
  • saepe, adv., often.

Syntax Rules 16. Adjective with Infinitive.

An Adjective belonging to the Infinitive is always in the Neuter Gender; as, Facile est errare, It is easy to go wrong.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabularies 31.-33., the Syntax Rule 16., and the Verb amo.
  2. Write out the Imperative of paro and pugno, and the "Verb Infinite" of the same.
  3. Write out the 1st Person Singular of all the Tenses formed from the Perfects of oro, do, and domo.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • amate; amans; amatum; amaturus; ama.
  • amato; amandum; amanto; amare; amaturi.
  • amavisse; amando; amatu; amatote; amandi.

2. Gerund, Supine and Future Participle.

  • Say off the Gerund (ACC and GEN) of: oro, do, domo, muto, sto, laudo.
  • Say off the Supine and Future Participle of the same.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Facile est fabulam narrare.
  2. Difficile est elephantum domare.
  3. Dulce est amicum amare.
  4. Difficillimum est leonem domare.
  5. Deo gloriam omnes demus.
  6. Laudate fortes et bonos amate.
  7. Gives, bellum vitetis et pacem servetis.
  8. Difficile est mores improborum mutare.
  9. Omnes in coelo et in terra laudent Deum.
  10. Agricolae arando, milites pugnando, et judices judicando.
  11. Milites, fortiter pugnate, et patriam servate.
  12. Semper parentes amate.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Be watchful, citizens.
  2. Soldiers, fight bravely.
  3. Children, love your father and mother.
  4. Men, love your country.
  5. Let us all love God.
  6. Let me show you the way.
  7. Farmers must often plough the fields.
  8. Nobody must labour always.
  9. It is difficult to change (one's) nature.
  10. It is pleasing to give you praise.
  11. Let our army lay-waste the fields of the enemy.
  12. Let us conceal ourselves (nos) in the woods.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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