The Beginner's Latin Exercises. First Conjugation - Active Voice. Indicative Mood, Present Stem Tenses.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 30. First Conjugation.

  • aro, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to plough.
  • canto, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to sing.
  • laudo, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to praise.
  • monstro, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to point out.
  • paro, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to get ready.
  • porto, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to carry.
  • pugno, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to fight.
  • vasto, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to lay waste.
  • agricola, -ae, m., a husbandman, a farmer.
  • terra, -ae, f., earth, land.
  • luscinia, -ae, f., nightingale.
  • agnus, -i, m., a lamb.
  • carmen, -inis, n., a song.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 30., and the Indicative of amo,
  2. Write out and learn the endings of amo in the Present-Stem Tenses (Present, Imperfect, Future).
  3. Conjugate paro and pugno in these tenses.
  4. Parse aras, arabitis, arabatis, arabamus, arabimus.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, supply Pronouns of:

  • amas; amat; amabitis; amatis; amabas.
  • amabat; amabunt; amamus; amabis; amant.
  • amabimus; amabatis; amabamus; amabunt; amabant.

2. Change Number.

  • Say the plural of: amas, amabat, amabit, amabas, amo, amabo, amabam.
  • Say off the singular of: amant, amabamus, amabitis, amabimus, amamus, amabunt.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Magistri discipulos laudant.
  2. Servi onera portant.
  3. Duo exercitus pugnabunt.
  4. Viam nautae monstrabo.
  5. Cibum exercitui parabimus.
  6. Agricolae agros arant.
  7. Exercitus agros vastabat.
  8. Terram auctumno arabimus.
  9. Aquila agnum portabat.
  10. Parentes semper amabimus.
  11. Aves in arboribus cantant.
  12. Luscinia dulce carmen nocte cantat.
  13. Hostes vulnera militibus nostris dant.
  14. Equus gravius onus portabat quam asinus.
  15. Duces milites laudabant.
  16. Hostes urbes et agros igne vastabunt.
  17. Nautae naves parabunt; naves nautas portabunt.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Fishes swim in the water.
  2. Horses carry heavy loads.
  3. Birds sing in spring.
  4. Happy boys were singing.
  5. Fabius will not praise himself.
  6. I will give you a book.
  7. A ship ploughs the sea.
  8. We will point out the way.
  9. Most (men) praise diligence.
  10. You were fighting yesterday.
  11. I shall always love (my) brothers and sisters.
  12. Nightingales sing sweet songs by night.
  13. The senate will give rewards to the soldiers.
  14. We shall always love and praise the good.
  15. We plough the fields in spring and autumn.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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