The Beginner's Latin Exercises. First Declension

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 1, First Declension.

  • Roma, -ae, f., Rome.
  • regina, -ae, f., a queen.
  • corona, -ae, f., a crown.
  • femina, -ae, f., a woman.
  • puella, -ae, f., a girl.
  • filia, -ae, f., a daughter.
  • rosa, -ae, f., a rose.
  • spina, -ae, f., a thorn.
  • aquila, -ae, f., an eagle.
  • penna, -ae, f., a feather, a pen.
  • poeta, -ae, m., a poet.
  • porta, -ae, f., a gate.

Verbal forms:

  • habet, has; laudat, praises.
  • habent, have; laudant, praise.

Syntax Rule 1. Transitive Verbs and Direct Object.

Transitive Verbs govern the Accusative Case.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 1., the Verbal Forms, the Syntax Rule 1., how to decline mensa, -ae.
  2. Write out and learn the endings of mensa.
  3. Decline puella, porta and poeta.
  4. Give all the different meanings of poeta, rosis and coronae.

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Exercise B

1. Give orally the English, with the Case and Number, of:

  • mensam; mensas; rosae (GEN).
  • mensae (DAT); mensarum; rosam.
  • mensis (ABL); rosas; rosa.
  • mensa; rosis (ABL); rosae (DAT).

2. Read off the English in the same way of:

  • puellae (NOM); spinis (ABL); penna.
  • puellas; spinarum; pennam.
  • poeta; portae (DAT); reginas.
  • aquilarum; portas; reginarum.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Regina coronam habet.
  2. Puellae rosas habent.
  3. Regina puellas laudat.
  4. Femina filias habet.
  5. Rosae spinas habent.
  6. Regina poetam laudat.
  7. Roma portas habet.
  8. Poeta reginam laudat.
  9. Poeta filias habet.
  10. Feminae mensas habent.
  11. Aquila pennas habet.
  12. Regina aquilam habet.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. The queen has a daughter.
  2. Queens have crowns.
  3. The girls praise the poet.
  4. The women praise the girls.
  5. The woman has a table.
  6. The poet has a pen.
  7. The women have daughters.
  8. The queen praises the girl.
  9. The poet has an eagle.
  10. Eagles have feathers.
  11. The girls have roses.
  12. Roses have thorns.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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