The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Recapitulatory Exercises for 4th-5th Declension and Second Class.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 20. Vocabularies (15.-19.).

  • arcus, -us, m., a bow.
  • lacus, -us, m., a lake.
  • gradus, -us, m., a step.
  • passus, -us, m., a step.
  • fluctus, -us, m., a wave.
  • portus, -us, m., a port, a harbour.
  • vultus, -us, m., the look, the countenance.
  • sonus, -us, m., sound.
  • sonitus, -us, m., sound.
  • senatus, -us, m., senate.
  • exercitus, -us, m., an army.
  • equitatus, -us, m., m. cavalry.
  • peditatus, -us, m., m. infantry.
  • domus, -us, f., a house.
  • manus, -us, f., a hand.
  • severus, -a, -um, adj., severe.
  • cornu, -us, n., a horn.
  • genu, -us, n., a knee.
  • quercus, -us, f., an oak.
  • fructus, -us, m., fruit.
  • risus, -us, m., laughter.
  • sensus, -us, m., a sense.
  • visus, -us, m., seeing.
  • auditus, -us, m., hearing.
  • arbor, -oris, f., a tree.
  • pirus, -i, f., a pear-tree.
  • pirum, -i, n., a pear.
  • prunus, i, f., a plum-tree.
  • prunum, i, n., a plum.
  • duo, adj. m./n., two.
  • spes, -ei, f., hope.
  • acies, -ei, f., edge, line of battle.
  • facies, -ei, f., the face, the form.
  • res, -ei, f.., a thing.
  • dies, -ei, m./f.., a day.
  • fides, -ei, f., faith, fidelity.
  • planities, -ei, f., a plain.
  • pernicies, -ei, f., destruction.
  • luna, -ae, f., the moon.
  • sol, -is, m.., the sun.
  • nox, noctis, f., a nigth.
  • noxius, -a, -um, adj., hurtful.
  • fortis, -e, adj., brave, strong.
  • tristis, -e, adj., sad.
  • omnis, -e, adj., all.
  • facilis, -e, adj., easy.
  • diffcilis, -e, adj., difficult.
  • dulcis, -e, adj., sweet.
  • mortalis, -e, adj., mortal.
  • immortalis, -e, adj., immortal.
  • brevis, -e, adj., short,
  • utilis, -e, adj., useful.
  • gravis, -e, adj., heavy, serious.
  • levis, -e, adj., light, slight.
  • praemium, i, n., a reward.
  • furor, oris, m., madness.
  • animus, i, m., the mind, the soul.
  • ferox, -ocis, adj., fierce.
  • velox, ocis, adj., swift.
  • audax, -icis, adj., bold.
  • felix, -icis, adj., successful, fortunate, happy.
  • infelix, -icis, adj., unsuccessful, unfortunate, unhappy.
  • potens, -entis, adj., powerful.
  • prudens, -entis, adj., prudent.
  • ingens, -entis, adj., immense, huge.
  • sapiens, -entis, adj., wise.
  • mirabilis, -e, adj., wonderful.
  • fidelis, -e, adj., faithful.
  • elephantus, -i, m., elephant.
  • sed, conj., but.


  1. Rest in a Place: in + ABL.. The Preposition in governs the Ablative when it indicates rest in a place; as, in horto, in the garden.
  2. Placement of Genitive. Place the Genitive between the governing Noun and its Adjective; as, longa militis hasta, the soldier's long spear.

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Exercise A

1. Learn once more Vocabulary 20. (15.-19.), Syntax Rules 9, 10, Declension 3rd, 4th, 5th, Adjectives of 2nd. Class, one or two terminations. 2. Draw up a table of case-endings in all the Declensions, and learn the same perfectly. 3. Write out in four columns — Nominative Singular, Genitive Singular, Genitive Plural, and Gender, of lacum, quercu, domibus, arbores, pruna, fidem, noces, solem, rebus, furore, spem.

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Exercise B

1. Give orally the English, with Number, Gender, and Case, of:

  • veloces aquilae; ingentium fluctuum; felicia bella.
  • velocis aquilae; feroces animos; dulce pirum.
  • veloci aquilae; felicium ducum; levis oneria.
  • veloci aquila; breves manus; facilia itinera.

2. Read off the Latin for:

  • a wise judge; for all the boys; of fierce lions.
  • for a faithful son; a bold soldier (ACC); wonderful works.
  • with a short sword; with great destruction; fruit of the oak.
  • a sad face (ACC); of a slight wound; fierce looks.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Milites longos arcus habent.
  2. Multi sunt templi gradus.
  3. Multae sunt templorum imagines.
  4. Comes meus potens corpus habet.
  5. Exercitus audacem ducem habet.
  6. Fluctus maris ingentes sunt.
  7. Gladius in domini manu est.
  8. Fideles servi dominum defendunt.
  9. Canes pastoribus utiles sunt.
  10. Omnia animalia sunt mortalia.
  11. Canis ferocem taurum timet.
  12. Quercus sunt utiles arbores.
  13. Aquilam in quercu videt.
  14. Pruna pruni fructus sunt.
  15. Risus felicibus gratus est.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Sheep fear the fierce dog.
  2. The timid dove fears the fierce eagle.
  3. The elephant has a huge body.
  4. The bull has two short horns.
  5. Anger is short madness.
  6. The soul is immortal, but the body is mortal.
  7. The journey is short, but difficult.
  8. Peace to the citizens.
  9. The king gives immense rewards to (his) loyal general.
  10. My friend's wounds are slight.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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