The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Adjectives of 2nd Class, One Termination.
- Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
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Vocabulary 19. Second Class Adjectives, one termination.
- ferox, -ocis, adj., fierce.
- velox, ocis, adj., swift.
- audax, -icis, adj., bold.
- felix, -icis, adj., successful, fortunate, happy.
- infelix, -icis, adj., unsuccessful, unfortunate, unhappy.
- potens, -entis, adj., powerful.
- prudens, -entis, adj., prudent.
- ingens, -entis, adj., immense, huge.
- sapiens, -entis, adj., wise.
- mirabilis, -e, adj., wonderful.
- fidelis, -e, adj., faithful.
- elephantus, -i, m., elephant.
- sed, conj., but.
Obs. — When an Adjective occurs without a corresponding Substantive, the latter may be known by the Number and Gender of the former; thus, omnes, all men; omnia, all things.
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Exercise A
- Learn Vocabulary 18. and 19., and the way to decline felix, -icis and ingens, -entis.
- Decline ferox and potens fully.
- Decline together ingens animal; audax miles; sapiens judex;.
- Parse ferocium leonum; potenti regi; felicem reginam; ingenti vidnere.
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Exercise B
1. Put the proper form of ingens before the following nouns, and read thus: ingentes tauri, huge bulls, masculine:
- tauri; capite; arborum; exercituum.
- corpora; vulnerum; lapidis; perniciei (DAT).
- corporibus; pedem; manu; cornuum.
- capitis; arbor; manui; quercubus.
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Deus omnia videt.
- Judices sunt sapientes.
- Milites sunt audaces.
- Hostes sunt potentes.
- Virgines sunt felices.
- Ministri sunt fideles.
- Fortes et audaces laudat.
- Fideles et infelices amat.
- Sol lucem omnibus dat.
- Lux colorem floribus dat.
- Boni sunt felices sed mali infelices.
- Elephanti animalia ingentia sed non ferocia sunt.
- Opera apum utilia et mirabilia sunt.
- Ferocis cornua tauri ingentia vulnera dant.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- Light is swift.
- God sees all (things).
- Lions are fierce.
- Elephants are immense animals.
- The general praises the brave.
- The poet loves the wise and faithful.
- Pears are sweet.
- The unfortunate are sad.
- Good books are useful.
- The way of life is difficult to all (men).
- The journey is short for swift birds
- Soldiers have powerful horses.
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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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