The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Second Conjugation - Active Voice. Conjunctive Mood.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 36. Second Conjugation.

  • caveo, -es, cavi, cautum, -ēre,, to take heed.
  • doceo, -es, -cui, -ctum, -ēre,, to teach.
  • jaceo, -es, -cui, jacitum, -ēre,, to lie down.
  • teneo, -es, ui, tentum, -ēre,, to hold.
  • video, -es, vidi, visum, -ēre,, to see.
  • alius, -a, -ud, adj. and pron., another.
  • ibi, adv., there.
  • acriter, adv., sharply, vigorously.
  • lupus, -i, m., a wolf.
  • pastor, -oris, m., a shepherd.

Rule of Syntax 17. — Infinitive of Purpose.

When the Infinitive in English expresses a purpose, it is generally translated by ut with the Subjunctive — never by the Infinitive; examples:

  1. I fight to save my life, or I fight that I may save my life, Pugno ut vitam meam conservem.
  2. I fought to save my life, or I fought that I might save my life, Pugnavi ut vitam meam conservarem.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabularies 35. and 36., the Rule of Syntax 17., and the Conjunctive of moneo.
  2. Write out and learn the endings of moneo in the Conjunctive.
  3. Conjugate terreo and timeo in this Mood.
  4. Parse floreas, floreretis, floruissetis, floruerim.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, supply Pronouns of:

  • moneas; moneam; monuerimus; monuerim; moneatis.
  • moneret; moneres; monuissetis; monueritis; monerem.
  • monueris; monuerit; monuerint; moneremus; moneant.

2. Give orally the 1st Person Singular of all the Tenses of the Conjunctive of:

  • video, doceo, teneo, caveo, and jaceo.

3. Say off the English and give the singular of:

  • moneatis, moneremus, monueritis, monuissent.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Animalia oculos habent ut videant.
  2. Pastorem monui ut lupum in silva caveret.
  3. Ego te docebo ut tu alios doceas.
  4. Amicus meus te monuit ut linguam coerceres.
  5. Servus me monuerat ut canem caverem.
  6. Pater meus felicior fuisset, si te ibi vidisset.
  7. Nostri acriter pugnabant ut castra tenerent,
  8. Si diligentior fuisses, praemium habuisses.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. I will warn the shepherds to beware of the wolves.
  2. We warned your friends to beware of the dog.
  3. We have eyes that we may see.
  4. The sun gives us light that we may see all things.
  5. The wise father advised (his) son to curb (his) tongue.
  6. He teaches me that I may teach others.
  7. I should have been happier, if I had seen you there.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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