The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Second Declension, -er names.

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  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 3. Second Declension, -er names.

  • minister, -i, m., a servant.
  • liber, -i, m., a book.
  • ager, -i, m., a field.
  • aper, -i, m., a wild boar.
  • discipulus, -i, m., a scholar.
  • Deus, -i, m., God.
  • vita, -ae, f., life.
  • gloria, -ae, f., glory.

Verbal forms:

  • dat, gives; docet, teaches.
  • dant, give; docent, teach.

Syntax Rule 2. Transitive Verbs and Indirect Object.

The Receiver of the action, i.e. the Indirect Object is put in the Dative Case; as, Regina puellae rosam dat, The queen gives a rose to the girl.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 1-3, the verbal forms, the Syntax Rule 2., how to decline magister, -i.
  2. Write out and learn the endings of magister.
  3. Decline aper and liber.
  4. Give the different meanings of libri, libris, libro, apri.

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Exercise B

1. Give orally the English, with the Case and Number, of:

  • magistros; puerorum; aprum.
  • magistri (GEN); pueri (NOM); aprorum.
  • magistris (DAT); puero (DAT); apros.
  • magistrorum; pueros; apro (DAT).

2. Read off the English in the same way of:

  • agros; serve; muri (NOM).
  • aprorum; servorum; oculorum.
  • discipulis (DAT). equis (DAT). nasum.
  • discipuli (GEN). equo (DAT). filios.

3. Change Number.

  • Say the plural of: ager, agrom, agro, libri, librum, aper, nasi.
  • Say the singular of: librorum, pueros, libris, pueri, agros, ministri.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Regina libros puellis dat.
  2. Regina librum puero dat.
  3. Magister discipulos docet.
  4. Discipuli magistrum amant.
  5. Poeta librum amico dat.
  6. Dominus servo equum dat.
  7. Magistri discipulos laudant.
  8. Ministri magistrum habent.
  9. Regina agrum poetae dat.
  10. Pueri puellis rosas dant.
  11. Apri oculos et nasuni habent.
  12. Regina ministro equum dat.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Poets give books to friends.
  2. The master loves (his) scholar.
  3. The master teaches (his) boys.
  4. Masters have servants.
  5. The servant loves (his) master.
  6. The master teaches (his) son.
  7. Girls give roses to boys.
  8. The scholars love the master.
  9. Rome has walls and gates.
  10. The queen loves (her) friends.
  11. Boys and girls have eyes.
  12. The lord has fields and gardens.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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