The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Second Declension, -um names (neuter).
- Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
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Vocabulary 4. Second Declension, -um names (neuter).
- regnum, -i, n., a kingdom.
- oppdum, -i, n., a town.
- templum, -i, n., a temple.
- donum, -i, n., a gift.
- bellum, -i, n., war.
- scutum, -i, n., a shield.
- metallum, -i, n., a metal.
- aurum, -i, n., gold.
- argentum, -i, n., silver.
- ferrum, -i, n., iron.
- plumbum, -i, n., lead.
Verbal forms:
When no Nominative occurs in a Latin sentence, a Pronoun is supplied: thus,
- amat, (he) loves; laudat, (he) praises; dat, (he) gives.
- amant, (they) love; laudant, (they) praise; dant, (they) give.
- habet, (he) has; docet, (he) teaches; est, (he) is.
- habent, (they) have; docent, (they) teach; sunt, (they) are.
Syntax Rule 3. Genitive of Possession.
The Possessor is put in the Genitive Case.
Exercise A
- Learn Vocabulary 2-4, the verbal forms, the Syntax Rules 3 and 4, how to decline bellum, -i.
- Write out and learn the endings of bellum.
- Decline donum and templum.
- Give the different meanings of reginae, scuto, templis, agri.
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Exercise B
1. Give orally the English, with the Gender, Case and Number, of:
- bella; scuta; doni; metallis (ABL).
- bellis (DAT); scutorum; templa; plumbi.
- bello (ABL); auri; argento (ABL); ferro (DAT).
- belli; auro (ABL); bellorum; dona.
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Amici sunt donum Dei.
- Amicus est scutum vitae.
- Aurum est metal lum.
- Oppidum muros habet.
- Regina est regni gloria.
- Rosa est horti regina.
- Pueri argentum habent.
- Aurum est metallorum regina.
- Templa Romae portas habent.
- Ferrum et aurum sunt metalla.
- Regina poetae aurum dat.
- Poeta puero argentum dat.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- Lead is a metal
- Gold and silver are metals.
- Life is the gift of God.
- The poet is the boy's friend.
- The poet's friend has gold.
- (He) praises the boy's horse.
- The queen is the poet's friend.
- (He) gives gifts to the slave.
- The books are a God's gift.
- Roses are the glory of a garden.
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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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