The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Third Conjugation - Active Voice. Conjunctive (Subjunctive) Mood.
- Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
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Vocabulary 40. Third Conjugation.
- corrigo, -is, -rexi, -rectum, -ĕre,, to correct.
- committo, -is, -isi, -issum, -ĕre,, to send together.
- pono, -is, posui, positum, -ĕre,, to place.
- impono, -is, -ui, -itum, -ĕre,, to set, put.
- propono, -is, posui, positum, -ĕre,, to propose.
- disco, -is, didici, , discĕre,, to learn.
- edo, -is, edi, esum, edĕre,, to eat.
- vivo, -is, vixi, victum, vivĕre,, to live.
- Pyrrhus, -i, m., Pyrrhus.
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Exercise A
- Learn Vocabularies 38.-40., and the Conjunctive of rego.
- Write out and learn the endings of rego in the Conjunctive.
- Conjugate duco and vinco in the Conjunctive.
- Parse scriberes, scripsms, scribatis, scriberetis, scripsissetis.
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Exercise B
1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, supply Pronouns of:
- regat; rexisset; regas; rexisses; regatis.
- regeres; regerem; rexissetis; regamus; rexissem.
- rexerim; rexerint; rexeris; regeretis; regeremus.
2. Give orally the 1st Person Singular of all the Tenses of the Conjunctive of:
- pono, disco, edo, vivo, poaco.
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Magister curabat ut discipuli discerent.
- Consul omnes copias suas instruxit ut urbem defenderent.
- Si consul barbaros vicisset, finem bello imposuisset.
- Si ego unus ex legatis fuissem, pacem proposuissem.
- Pyrrhus misit legatum ut pacem Romanis proponeret.
- Pater liberos legere docet ut multa discant
- Edimus ut vivamus ; non vivimus ut edamus.
- Edunt ut vivant ; non vivunt ut edant.
- Barbari aciem instruxerant ut proelium cum Romanis committerent.
- Pyrrhus copias suas ducebat ut Romam cingerent.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- Pyrrhus sent one of (ex) his friends to propose peace.
- I will take care that my sons may learn (how) to live.
- If you had been the general, we should have conquered.
- Had I been consul, we should have put an end to the war.
- We read many books that we may learn many (things).
- If your father were alive, he would have corrected you.
- You live to eat; we eat to live.
- Had the general been wise, he would have defended the camp.
- Let us eat to live; let us not live to eat.
- I will take care that you learn to read well.
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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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