The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Third Conjugation - Active Voice. Indicative Mood, Prepositions.
- Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
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Vocabulary 39. Third Conjugation.
- mitto, -is, misi, missum, -ĕre,, to send.
- vinco, -is, vici, victum, -ĕre,, to conquer.
- lego, -is, legi, lectum, -ĕre,, to read.
- peto, -is, petivi, petitum, -ĕre,, to seek.
- posco, -is, poposci, , -ĕre,, to demand.
- legatus, -i, m., an ambassador.
- barbarus, -i, m., a barbarian.
- proelium, -i, n., a battle.
- dum, conj., while.
Note. — The following Prepositions govern the Ablative:
- pro, for, on behalf of.
- cum, with, in company with.
- sine, without.
- a, ab, by, from.
- de, down from, concerning.
- e, ex, out of from.
- For when it means on behalf of is translated pro.
- With when it means in company with is translated cum.
- Cum is affixed to Personal Pronouns, as mecum, with me.
- Ab is used instead of a, before h or a vowel.
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Exercise A
- Learn Vocabularies 38. and 39., and the Prepositions given above.
- Translate Tabulam regi misi; Pro rege pugnavi; Cum rege pugnavi; Hasta pugnavi.
- Translate He sent a book for me; He fought for me; He fought with me; He fought with a sword.
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Exercise B
1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, supply Pronouns of:
- scribam; pinxisti; ducemus; claudemus; defenditis.
- scribet; pinxero; ducebatis; claudebatis; defenderant.
- scripsi; pinges; duximus; clauseritis; defendistis.
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Legatum de pace miserunt.
- Legati pacem a Caesare petent.
- Obsides ab hostibus poscemus.
- Ego cum fratre legebam.
- Frater tuus mecum pingebat.
- Nemo sine spe vincet.
- Barbari copias suas instruxerant.
- Hannibal magnum exercitum ex Hispania duxit.
- Hannibal Romanos in multis proeliis vicit.
- Pro patria pugnavimus et multos ex hostibus occidimus.
- Consul exercitum ex urbe duxerat.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- We write while you are reading.
- He demanded hostages from us.
- We will read the letter.
- They sent us three slaves.
- You had shut the gates.
- I shall paint a picture.
- Soldiers, you have conquered.
- We wrote concerning peace.
- Caesar led his forces out of Italy and conquered the barbarians.
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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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