The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Third Declension. Substantives of the Feminine Gender (continued).
- Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
- Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
- Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.
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Vocabulary 12. Third Declension, feminine names.
- legio, -onis, f., a legion.
- lex, legis, f., law.
- pax, pacis, f., peace.
- navis, -is, f., a ship.
- classis, -is, f., a fleet.
- vestis, -is, f., a garment.
- laus, laudis, f., praise.
- imago, -inis, f., an image.
- soror, -oris, f., a sister.
- pastor, -oris, m., a shepherd.
- civitas, -atis, f., a state.
- tempestas, -atis, f., a storm.
- nauta, -ae, m., a sailor.
- somnus, -i, m., sleep.
- clarus, -a, -um, adj., clear, famous, renowned.
- justus, -a, -um, adj., just.
Exercise A
- Learn Vocabulary 11. and 12., the verbal forms, and the feminine endings of all the Declensions (review).
- Decline imago and soror.
- Draw up a table of Case-endings in Declensions I.-III., omitting those of the Neuter Gender.
- Parse avibus, navium, classem, imagini, legum.
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Exercise B
1. Give orally the English, with Number and Case, of:
- laudis; navium; urbium; veste.
- legum; naves; urbibus (DAT), pace.
- imaginem; laude; turres; navibus.
- pacis; legis; sororis; matrum.
Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.
- Mater Deo laudem dat.
- Leges civitatis justae sunt.
- Cives pacem amant.
- Naves classis sunt altae.
- Nautae naves defendunt.
- Regina virgini vestem dat.
- Virginis vestis pulchra est.
- Rex imaginem sororis videt.
- Pax civibus est grata.
- Juvenis librum carae sorori dat.
- Pastor ovibus cibum dat.
- Imago mortis nautam terret.
- Nauta tempestatem timet.
- Virgo caras sorores amat.
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Exercise D: read and translate from English.
- The shepherd defends his timid sheep.
- The maidens are dear to (their) mother.
- The ships are dear to the sailor.
- The youth sees the image of (his) sister.
- The diligence of the bees is great.
- The tempest is alarming to the sailors.
- Life is dear to youths and maidens.
- Good citizens do not fear the laws.
- Good dogs defend the timid sheep (pl.).
- Sleep is the image of death.
C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on
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