Latin for Beginners: frequential lexicon (Latin Core Vocabulary DCC), the most common verbs.
Exercise A
- [DCC07.0]. studium, eagerness, zeal
- [DCC07.1]. aqua, water
- [DCC07.2]. rūs, country
- [DCC07.3]. praesidium, garrison, protection
- [DCC07.4]. opera, labor, activity, work
- [DCC07.5]. animus, spirit, mind
- [DCC07.6]. rēgnum, kingship, kingdom
- [DCC07.7]. cōnsul, consul
- [DCC07.8]. memoria, recollection, memory
- [DCC07.9]. vulnus, wound
- [DCC07.10]. cōpia, abundance; (pl.) troops
- [DCC07.11]. iuvenis, youth
- [DCC07.12]. saeculum, generation, age, century
- [DCC07.13]. vestis, garment, robe, clothing
- [DCC07.14]. fidēs, trust, faith
- [DCC07.15]. pāx, peace
- [DCC07.16]. nātūra, nature
- [DCC07.17]. cīvis, citizen
- [DCC07.18]. cūra, care, concern
- [DCC07.19]. praeda, booty, prey
- [DCC07.20]. amnis, river, torrent
- [DCC07.21]. humus, ground; humī: on the ground
- [DCC07.22]. hostis, stranger, enemy
- [DCC07.23]. vōx, voice, utterance
- [DCC07.24]. frōns, forehead, brow; front
- [DCC07.25]. arbor, tree
- [DCC07.26]. domus, house, home
- [DCC07.27]. sepulcrum, place of burial, tomb, grave
- [DCC07.28]. ratiō, method, plan, reason
- [DCC07.29]. gladius, sword
- [DCC07.30]. umbra, shade, shadow
- [DCC07.31]. lēx, law
- [DCC07.32]. cornu, horn
- [DCC07.33]. vīs, force; (acc.) vim, (abl.) vī; (pl.) vīrēs, strength
- [DCC07.34]. laus, praise, glory
- [DCC07.35]. labor, toil, exertion
- [DCC07.36]. classis, class, division, fleet
- [DCC07.37]. vinculum, bond, fetter, tie
- [DCC07.38]. mūrus, wall
- [DCC07.39]. modus, measure, manner, kind
- [DCC07.40]. urbs, city
- [DCC07.41]. victōria, victory
- [DCC07.42]. ōrātiō, speech, address
- [DCC07.43]. somnus, sleep, slumber; (pl.) dreams
- [DCC07.44]. voluptās, pleasure, enjoyment
- [DCC07.45]. prōvincia, province; official duty
- [DCC07.46]. uxor, wife
- [DCC07.47]. turba, crowd, uproar
- [DCC07.48]. timor, fear
- [DCC07.49]. vōtum, solemn promise, vow; hope
- [DCC07.50]. liber, book
- [DCC07.51]. fūnus, funeral; death; dead body
- [DCC07.52]. metus, fear, dread
- [DCC07.53]. ōs, mouth, face
- [DCC07.54]. ops, assistance, resources
- [DCC07.55]. sors, lot, fate, destiny; oracle
- [DCC07.56]. orbis, circle; orbis terrārum: world
- [DCC07.57]. lingua, tongue; language
- [DCC07.58]. fax, torch
- [DCC07.59]. locus, place; loca (n. pl.) region
- [DCC07.60]. fluctus, flood, billow, surf
- [DCC07.61]. cibus, food
- [DCC07.62]. moenia, walls, fortifications
- [DCC07.63]. rīpa, bank of a river
- [DCC07.64]. error, wandering; error, mistake
- [DCC07.65]. puella, girl; girl-friend
- [DCC07.66]. pudor, sense of shame, modesty, propriety
- [DCC07.67]. pretium, price, worth, reward; pretium operae: a reward for trouble
- [DCC07.68]. barbarus, foreigner, barbarian
- [DCC07.69]. custōs, guardian
- [DCC07.70]. deus, god; goddess
- [DCC07.71]. sīdus, star, constellation
- [DCC07.72]. fātum, fate; death
- [DCC07.73]. comes, companion, comrade; attendant, follower
- [DCC07.74]. senātus, senate
- [DCC07.75]. forum, market-place, forum
- [DCC07.76]. mēnsa, table
- [DCC07.77]. victor, conqueror
- [DCC07.78]. tēctum, roof; building, house
- [DCC07.79]. canis, dog
- [DCC07.80]. cor, heart; cordī est, it is pleasing to (+ dat.)
- [DCC07.81]. sōl, sun
- [DCC07.82]. vitium, flaw, fault, crime
- [DCC07.83]. sinus, fold of a garment; lap, bay, gulf
- [DCC07.84]. prīncipium, beginning
- [DCC07.85]. gēns, family, clan
- [DCC07.86]. praetor, praetor, one of the chief Roman magistrates
- [DCC07.87]. multitūdō, multitude, number
- [DCC07.88]. ōrdō, order, rank
- [DCC07.89]. damnum, damage, injury
- [DCC07.90]. clāmor, outcry, shout
- [DCC07.91]. rēx, king
- [DCC07.92]. cursus, course, advance
- [DCC07.93]. sēnsus, feeling, emotion, sense
- [DCC07.94]. sententia, opinion, judgment
- [DCC07.95]. via, way, street
- [DCC07.96]. nūmen, divine will, deity
- [DCC07.97]. animal, a living being, an animal
- [DCC07.98]. dolor, pain, grief
- [DCC07.99]. reus, defendant
- [DCC07.100]. unda, wave, flowing water, water
- [DCC07.101]. odium, hatred
- [DCC07.102]. lūmen, light
- [DCC07.103]. iūdex, judge, juror
- [DCC07.104]. campus, plain, field
- [DCC07.105]. īnsula, island
- [DCC07.106]. porta, gate
- [DCC07.107]. vīta, life
- [DCC07.108]. arvum, ploughed land, field
- [DCC07.109]. patria, fatherland, country
- [DCC07.110]. tenebrae, darkness, the shadows
- [DCC07.111]. flūmen, stream, river
- [DCC07.112]. vīnum, vine, wine
- [DCC07.113]. anima, breath, spirit
- [DCC07.114]. dīgnitās, worth, reputation, honor
- [DCC07.115]. coniunx, spouse, husband, wife
- [DCC07.116]. flamma, flame, fire
- [DCC07.117]. lapis, stone
- [DCC07.118]. spīritus, breath, life, spirit
- [DCC07.119]. volucris, bird
- [DCC07.120]. iniūria, injustice, wrong, affront
- [DCC07.121]. famēs, hunger, famine
- [DCC07.122]. oculus, eye
- [DCC07.123]. manus, hand; band of men
- [DCC07.124]. aevum, eternity; lifetime, age
- [DCC07.125]. coma, hair, tresses
- [DCC07.126]. cōnsilium, plan; council, group of advisors
- [DCC07.127]. opus, work
- [DCC07.128]. dominus, household master, lord; mistress
- [DCC07.129]. tempestas, period of time, season; bad weather, storm
- [DCC07.130]. superī, those above, i.e. the gods
- [DCC07.131]. exercitus, army
- [DCC07.132]. mōs, custom, habit; (pl.) character
- [DCC07.133]. aciēs, edge; line of battle
- [DCC07.134]. homō, human being
- [DCC07.135]. fuga, flight, route
- [DCC07.136]. gaudium, delight, joy, pleasure
- [DCC07.137]. vultus, look, expression, face
- [DCC07.138]. māiōrēs, ancestors
- [DCC07.139]. fōrma, shape; beauty
- [DCC07.140]. cinis, ashes, embers
- [DCC07.141]. speciēs, aspect, appearance
- [DCC07.142]. ventus, wind
- [DCC07.143]. furor, rage, fury
- [DCC07.144]. voluntās, wish, desire
- [DCC07.145]. mundus, world, universe, heavens
- [DCC07.146]. hospes, guest, guest-friend; stranger; host
- [DCC07.147]. salūs, health, safety
- [DCC07.148]. sacerdōs, priest, priestess
- [DCC07.149]. frūctus, fruit, crops; enjoyment, delight
- [DCC07.150]. māteria, material, subject matter; timber, lumber
- [DCC07.151]. hiems, winter
- [DCC07.152]. cohors, cohort, band, troop
- [DCC07.153]. os, bone
- [DCC07.154]. āēr, air
- [DCC07.155]. fāma, rumor, fame
- [DCC07.156]. arma, arms, weapons
- [DCC07.157]. mūnus, gift, offering; duty, obligation; (pl.) gladiatorial show
- [DCC07.158]. nūntius, messenger; news
- [DCC07.159]. genus, origin, lineage, kind
- [DCC07.160]. māgnitūdō, greatness, size
- [DCC07.161]. māter, mother
- [DCC07.162]. numerus, number, amount
- [DCC07.163]. facinus, deed, crime
- [DCC07.164]. nemus, grove, forest
- [DCC07.165]. perīculum, danger
- [DCC07.166]. dolus, artifice, device, trick
- [DCC07.167]. nefās, impiety, wickedness
- [DCC07.168]. iter, journey, route
- [DCC07.169]. vulgus, the common people
- [DCC07.170]. nāvis, ship
- [DCC07.171]. initium, beginning
- [DCC07.172]. dux, leader, general
- [DCC07.173]. avis, bird
- [DCC07.174]. flōs, flower, bloom
- [DCC07.175]. supplicium, punishment, penalty
- [DCC07.176]. ignis, fire
- [DCC07.177]. grātia, favor, influence, gratitude
- [DCC07.178]. marītus, husband
- [DCC07.179]. plēbs, the common people
- [DCC07.180]. cīvitās, citizenship, state
- [DCC07.181]. puer, boy; slave
- [DCC07.182]. verbum, word
- [DCC07.183]. mora, delay, hindrance
- [DCC07.184]. aequor, level surface, sea, plain
- [DCC07.185]. sanguis, blood
- [DCC07.186]. latus, side, flank
- [DCC07.187]. argentum, silver, money
- [DCC07.188]. scientia, knowledge
- [DCC07.189]. imāgō, image, form, figure
- [DCC07.190]. carmen, song
- [DCC07.191]. annus, year
- [DCC07.192]. tergum, back, rear; ā tergō: from the rear
- [DCC07.193]. vestīgium, footstep, footprint, track
- [DCC07.194]. spatium, space
- [DCC07.195]. fēmina, woman
- [DCC07.196]. pecūnia, money
- [DCC07.197]. amīcitia, friendship
- [DCC07.198]. honor, honor, glory; office, post
- [DCC07.199]. legiō, legion
- [DCC07.200]. exsilium, exile, banishment
- [DCC07.201]. terra, land
- [DCC07.202]. frāter, brother
- [DCC07.203]. fors, chance
- [DCC07.204]. prex, prayers, entreaties
- [DCC07.205]. aes, copper, bronze
- [DCC07.206]. iūs, right, justice, law
- [DCC07.207]. pondus, weight
- [DCC07.208]. negōtium, business
- [DCC07.209]. vir, man
- [DCC07.210]. iūdicium, judgment, decision, trial
- [DCC07.211]. sapientia, wisdom
- [DCC07.212]. currus, chariot
- [DCC07.213]. onus, load, burden
- [DCC07.214]. vātēs, poet, bard
- [DCC07.215]. faciēs, form, appearance
- [DCC07.216]. tribūnus, tribune, title of various Roman officials, as mīlitum, plēbis, aerāriī
- [DCC07.217]. caelum, sky, heavens
- [DCC07.218]. lītus, shore
- [DCC07.219]. virtūs, valor, manliness, virtue
- [DCC07.220]. spēs, hope
- [DCC07.221]. templum, consecrated ground; temple
- [DCC07.222]. disciplīna, training, instruction; learning, discipline
- [DCC07.223]. nōmen, name
- [DCC07.224]. pietās, sense of duty, devotion, esp. between parents and children
- [DCC07.225]. mors, death
- [DCC07.226]. eques, horseman, knight
- [DCC07.227]. populus, people
- [DCC07.228]. āra, altar
- [DCC07.229]. beneficium, service, kindness
- [DCC07.230]. aedēs, building; (pl.) house
- [DCC07.231]. proelium, battle
- [DCC07.232]. libīdō, passion, lust
- [DCC07.233]. amor, love
- [DCC07.234]. magister, master, chief
- [DCC07.235]. membrum, limb, member of the body
- [DCC07.236]. aethēr, pure upper air, ether, heaven, sky
- [DCC07.237]. silva, forest, grove
- [DCC07.238]. cōnsuētūdo, custom, habit
- [DCC07.239]. corpus, body
- [DCC07.240]. fābula, account, tale, story
- [DCC07.241]. auris, ear
- [DCC07.242]. culpa, guilt, fault, blame
- [DCC07.243]. arx, citadel, castle; summit
- [DCC07.244]. bellum, war
- [DCC07.245]. invidia, envy, jealousy, hatred
- [DCC07.246]. parēns, parent
- [DCC07.247]. ager, field
- [DCC07.248]. gradus, step, pace; grade, rank
- [DCC07.249]. mōns, mountain
- [DCC07.250]. pontus, the open sea, the deep
- [DCC07.251]. auxilium, support, assistance; (pl.) auxiliary forces
- [DCC07.252]. oppidum, town
- [DCC07.253]. poena, penalty, punishment
- [DCC07.254]. iugum, yoke; ridge, chain of hills
- [DCC07.255]. fīlia, daughter; son
- [DCC07.256]. nātus, son
- [DCC07.257]. rēs, thing (rēs pūblica, commonwealth; rēs familiāris, family property, estate; rēs mīlitāris, art of war; rēs novae, revolution)
- [DCC07.258]. aura, breeze
- [DCC07.259]. frūmentum, grain
- [DCC07.260]. lūx, light of day
- [DCC07.261]. poēta, poet
- [DCC07.262]. ars, skill
- [DCC07.263]. color, color
- [DCC07.264]. pecus, cattle, sheep
- [DCC07.265]. convīvium, banquet, feast
- [DCC07.266]. aetās, age, time of life
- [DCC07.267]. bōs, ox; gen. pl. boum
- [DCC07.268]. tellus, earth
- [DCC07.269]. crīmen, verdict, accusation
- [DCC07.270]. ferrum, iron, iron weapon or implement
- [DCC07.271]. astrum, star; constellation
- [DCC07.272]. scelus, crime, sin
- [DCC07.273]. praeceptum, rule, precept; command
- [DCC07.274]. pater, father, ancestor
- [DCC07.275]. castrum, fortress, (regularly plural, castra camp)
- [DCC07.276]. exemplum, example, sample, copy
- [DCC07.277]. auctor, originator, founder
- [DCC07.278]. īra, wrath, anger
- [DCC07.279]. regiō, boundary, region
- [DCC07.280]. equus, horse
- [DCC07.281]. ūsus, use, experience
- [DCC07.282]. familia, household, family
- [DCC07.283]. dōnum, gift, present
- [DCC07.284]. virgō, maiden, virgin, girl
- [DCC07.285]. hōra, hour
- [DCC07.286]. lēgātus, lieutenant, envoy
- [DCC07.287]. cāsus, a fall; chance, accident
- [DCC07.288]. caput, head
- [DCC07.289]. pēs, foot
- [DCC07.290]. aurum, gold
- [DCC07.291]. tempus, time
- [DCC07.292]. sīgnum, sign, standard, mark
- [DCC07.293]. āgmen, line of march
- [DCC07.294]. stella, star
- [DCC07.295]. testis, witness
- [DCC07.296]. epistula, letter
- [DCC07.297]. pectus, chest, breast
- [DCC07.298]. caedēs, killing, slaughter
- [DCC07.299]. līmen, threshold
- [DCC07.300]. imperātor, commander
- [DCC07.301]. lūna, moon
- [DCC07.302]. cupīdō, desire, eagerness, craving
- [DCC07.303]. ōtium, leisure
- [DCC07.304]. mīles, soldier
- [DCC07.305]. praemium, bounty, reward
- [DCC07.306]. impetus, attack
- [DCC07.307]. soror, sister
- [DCC07.308]. nihil,, nothing; not at all
- [DCC07.309]. īctus, blow, stroke
- [DCC07.310]. fortūna, fortune
- [DCC07.311]. lacrima, tear
- [DCC07.312]. sēdēs, seat, abode, habitation
- [DCC07.313]. factum, deed, accomplishment
- [DCC07.314]. lībertās, freedom
- [DCC07.315]. mare, sea
- [DCC07.316]. diēs, day
- [DCC07.317]. nox, night
- [DCC07.318]. imperium, command, power
- [DCC07.319]. sermō, conversation, discourse
- [DCC07.320]. fīnis, end, boundary
- [DCC07.321]. glōria, glory, fame
- [DCC07.322]. necessitās, necessity, need
- [DCC07.323]. decus, beauty, grace; ornament, glory, honor
- [DCC07.324]. auctōritās, influence, clout, authority
- [DCC07.325]. potestās, power
- [DCC07.326]. condīciō, agreement, condition
- [DCC07.327]. pūgna, fist-fight; battle
- [DCC07.328]. servus, slave
- [DCC07.329]. officium, service, duty
- [DCC07.330]. tēlum, missile, weapon, spear
- [DCC07.331]. mulier, woman
- [DCC07.332]. causa, cause, reason; causā + preceding genitive, for the sake of
- [DCC07.333]. senex, old man, elder; senior, older
- [DCC07.334]. mēns, mind
- [DCC07.335]. ingenium, disposition, ability, talent
- [DCC07.336]. saxum, rock, cliff, crag
- [DCC07.337]. littera, letter, (pl.) literature
- [DCC07.338]. fōns, spring, fountain
- [DCC07.339]. dīvitiae, riches, wealth
- [DCC07.340]. morbus, sickness, disease
- [DCC07.341]. pars, part
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