The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Adverbs: derivation and comparison.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Adverbs derived from Adjectives of the First or Second Declension end in -e, and those from Adjectives of the Third Declension generally end in -ter ; as, pulchre, beautifully (from pulcher); fortiter, bravely (from fortis).

The Comparatives and Superlatives of Adverbs are similar to those of Adjectives; only the Comparative ends in -us, and the Superlative in -e.

Adjectives (Positive - Comparative - Superlative)

  • dignus - dignior - dignissimus.
  • audax - audacior - audacissimus.
  • pulcher - pulchrior - pulcherrimus.
  • similis - similior - simillimus.
  • bonus - melior - optimus.
  • malus - peior - pessimus.

Adverbs (Positive - Comparative - Superlative)

  • digne - dignius - dignissime.
  • audacter - audacius - audacissime.
  • pulchre - pulchrius - pulcherrime.
  • similiter - similius - simillime.
  • bene - melius - optime.
  • male - pejus - pessime.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn the Comparative and the Superlative of the preceeding adverbs.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English of the following Adjectives, and then compare them

  • beatus; benignus; verus; gravis; mirabilis; fidelis.
  • miser; acer; aeger; sapiens, prudens; diligens.
  • splendidus; timidus; certus; velox; felix; simplex.

2. Derive Adverbs from these Adjectives, giving their meaning in English.

3. Compare the same Adverbs.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Always speak kindly.
  2. The best scholar does not always write the best.
  3. The worthiest scholar always woiks most diligently.
  4. Our soldiers fought more bravely than the enemy.
  5. The Britons fought most vigorously.
  6. Our general acts very prudently.
  7. Titus has acted more wisely than his brother.
  8. Who doubts that God rules the world most wisely.
  9. This soldier is wounded more seriously than that (one).
  10. That horse can run more swiftly than this (one).
  11. The Britons used-to-fight more boldly than the Gauls.
  12. Elephants are tamed more easily than lions.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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