The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Anomalous Verbs: Malo, Fero, Fio.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 69. Compounds of fero.

  • fero, fers, tuli, latum, ferre,, to carry, bear, undergo.
  • affero, affers, attuli, allatum, afferre,, to bring to.
  • confero, confers, contuli, collatum, conferre,, to bring together.
  • refero, refers, rettuli, relatum, referre,, to bring back, relate.
  • perturbo, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to throw into confusion.
  • cedo, -is, cessi, cessum, -ĕre,, to yield.
  • poena, -ae, f., a punishment.
  • prudentia, -ae, f., prudence.
  • frumentum, -i, n., grain, corn.
  • crimen, -inis, n., a crime.
  • senectus, -utis, f., old age.
  • felicitas, -atis, f., happiness.
  • infamis, -e, adj., infamous.
  • patienter, adv., patiently.

Obs. — Alter is one of two; alius, one of a number.


  • alter... alter, the one... the other.
  • alius... alius, one... another.
  • alii... alii, some... others.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 69., and how to conjugate malo, fero, and fio.
  2. Write out the Passive of fero.
  3. Give the Genitive and Dative, in both Numbers, of alter and alius.
  4. Parse mavult, malam, tulerim, feras, fiaiis, ferte.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • mavis; malis; fers; ferretis; fiunt; fiamus.
  • males; mallem; fertis; feratis; fient; fierem.
  • malui; malimus; feretis; ferte; fiant; fiebas.

2. Decline together:

  • alter liber; alius liber; altera pluma; alia pluma; alterum scutum ; aliud scutum.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Alii scribere alii pingere malunt.
  2. Quis dubitat quin omnes beate vivere malint
  3. Alii captivos occidere alii liberare volebaut.
  4. Cato mori quam cedere maluit.
  5. Alius amari, alius timeri mavult.
  6. Hie puer clarus fiet, ille infamis.
  7. Miles multa pericula fert.
  8. Nemo fit subito improbus.
  9. Ferat criminis poenam.
  10. Senectus pluriaiis prudentiam affert.
  11. Milites frumentum ex agris in castra conferebant.
  12. Onus, quod patienter fertur, levius fit.
  13. Civitatem, quam tueri poterant, perturbare maluerunt.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Nobody can become good all-at-once.
  2. Virtue brings happiness.
  3. The days become brighter in summer.
  4. Who doubts that the nights become longer in winter?
  5. No-one doubts that a farmer undergoes great toil.
  6. All sailors undergo many perils.
  7. Some prefer to read, others to write.
  8. One brother preferred to-be-serviceable to his country, the other to do it harm.
  9. Bear toils patiently, my son.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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