The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Deponent Verbs.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 64. First Conjugation, Deponents.

  • moror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to delay, retard.
  • hortor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to exhort, cheer on, encourage.
  • cohortor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to exhort, cheer on, encourage.
  • miror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to admire.
  • admiror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to admire.
  • precor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to pray.
  • proelior, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to fight, engage in battle.
  • populor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to lay waste.
  • veneror, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to reverence.
  • comitor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to accompany.
  • aspernor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to despise.
  • venor, -aris, -atus sum, -ari,, to hunt.
  • supero, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to overcome, to pass over.
  • occupo, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to take possession, occupy.
  • certe, adv., certainly.
  • vox, vocis, f., voice.

Syntax Rule 24. Conjugation of Future Participle.

The Future Participle of any Verb may be conjugated with all the Tenses of the Verb sum; as, amaturus sum, I'am about to love; amaturi estis, you are going to love.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 64., and what is said of Deponent Verbs in your Latin Grammar.
  2. Write out the Indicative of miror.
  3. Write out the Infinitives and Participles, Active and Passive, of aro, terreo, duco, and finio.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • moraris; moretur; moratus; moratus es; morare.
  • moraberis; morareris; moraturus; morati sint; morantor.
  • morabatur; morabor; morandi; moratus sim; morans.

2. Give all the Participles of moror in agreement with virum, pueros, puellis, and periculum.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Sacerdotes eos, qui in urbe morabantur, hortati sunt.
  2. Feminae in deorum templis precabantur dum homines proeliabantur.
  3. Quis dubitat quin Romani Gallorum agros populaturi sint?
  4. Venerare Deum et voluptatem aspernare.
  5. Graeciae templa maxime admiramur.
  6. Amici nostri eras venabuntur; eos comitemur.
  7. Britanni cum Romania fluctibus impeditis proelinntur.
  8. Hostes proelio superati montem occupare conaturi sint.
  9. Admiramur lusciniae vocem et plumas pavonis.
  10. Quis dubitat quin Hannibal Alpes superare conatus sit.
  11. Brutus Oaesarem vulneravisse scitur.
  12. Lupus Bomulum et Bemum nutrivisse dicitur.
  13. Romulus Remum occidisse dicitur.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Boys admire soldiers and their horses.
  2. My father encourages me to learn diligently.
  3. The Gauls will certainly endeavour to overcome the Germans.
  4. You accompanied us yesterday; we will accompany you to-day.
  5. Caesar, having encouraged the soldiers, drew-up (his) line-of-battle.
  6. Let us admire the wisdom of God.
  7. It is (the part) of a good man to reverence God.
  8. Saturn is said to have come into Italy.
  9. Having laid-waste the fields of the Gauls, the Germans attacked their camp.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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