Latin for Beginners: frequential lexicon (Latin Core Vocabulary DCC), the 1000 most common words.
About Frequency
First 100 words
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - First 100 most common words.
First 300 words
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - First 300 most common words.
First 500 words
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - First 500 most common words.
500 to 1000 most common words
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - 500 to 1000 most common words.
1000 most common words
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - The 1000 most common words.
About Part of Speech
Most Common Verbs
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - Most Common Verbs.
Most Common Nouns
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - Most Common Nouns.
Most Common Adjectives
Exercises for Latin Lexicon, from Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC - Most Common Adjectives.
Latin Core Vocabulary, DCC
For the list of 1000 most common words, see the Latin Core Vocabulary, at DCC.
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