The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Recapitulatory - Passive Voice. Conjunctive Mood.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 56. Third Conjugation, Passive.

  • invado, -is, -si, -sum, -ere,, to invade.
  • frango, -is, fregi, fractum, -ere,, to break.
  • oppidum, -i, n., a town.
  • pallium, -i, n., a cloak.
  • victor, -oris, m., a conqueror.
  • ventus, -i, m., the wind.
  • ductus, -us, m., a wave.
  • caecus, -a, -um, adj., blind.
  • quidam, quaedam, quoddam, pron., a certain one.
  • Manlius, -i, m., Manlius.

Vocabulary 57. Third Conjugation, Passive.

  • construo, -is, -xi, -ctum, -ere,, to build.
  • destruo, -is, -xi, -ctum, -ere,, to destroy.
  • maneo, -es, mansi, mansum, -ere,, to remain.
  • nidus, -i, m., a nest.
  • panis, -is, m., bread.
  • pars, -tis, f., apart.
  • frigus, -oris, n., cold.
  • Alpes, -ium,, the Alps.
  • summus, -a, -um, adj., highest.
  • medius, -a, -um, adj., middle.
  • extremus, -a, -um, adj., outermost.
  • subito, adv., suddenly.
  • Britannus, -i, m., a Briton.

Vocabulary 58. Fourth Conjugation, Passive.

  • nutrio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to nourish.
  • vestio, -is, -ivi, -itum, -ire,, to clothe.
  • vestis, -is, f. a garment.
  • pellis, -is, f. skin.
  • sacerdos, -otis, -is, m./f. priest, priestess.
  • litus, -oris, n., a shore.
  • onus, -eris, n., a weight, a load.
  • moenia, -ium,, walls.
  • arma, -orum,, arms.
  • ignavus, -a, -um, adj., inactive, cowardly.
  • occisus, -a, -um, adj., slain.
  • ubi, prep., where.
  • antequam, priusquam, prep., before that.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn once more Vocabularies 56.-58., and. the Conjunctive of amor, moneor, regor, and audior.
  2. Write out and learn perfectly the rules for deriving the Passive from the Active.
  3. Parse creeris, terreremur, ducamini, and punitae sint.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • ameris; monear; regaris; audireris.
  • amaretur; monereris; regeremur; audiamur.
  • amemini; moneamini; regamini; audiaris.
  • amareris; monerentur; regantur; audiremur.

2. Say off the corresponding Active form of these Verbs, giving the meaning in English.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Cave, liberi, ne puniamini.
  2. Cives arma parant ne urbs oppugnetur.
  3. Arma parentur et urbis portae claudantur.
  4. Nostri fortiter pugnaverunt ne castra expugnarentur.
  5. Caesari placuit ut castra statim munirentur.
  6. Pastorem rogabo ubi corpora occisorum sepulta sint.
  7. Quia dubitat quin Roma altis moenibus cincta sit.
  8. Nemo dubitabat quin pons a nostris teneretur.
  9. Nescimus a quo sacerdos occisus sit.
  10. Si rex venisset, tota urbs mota esset.
  11. Nidus destrueretur, si avis eum in hac arbore construxisset.
  12. Dux prius vulneratus est quam hostes victi sunt.
  13. Omnes scimus a quo mundus creatus sit.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Your good mother will take care that you are taught well.
  2. The hostages begged that food should be supplied to them.
  3. There is no doubt that the enemy have been beaten.
  4. Who doubts that the mountain is held by our troops?
  5. The camp was fortified after the victory in case (lest) it should be attacked.
  6. I asked by whom the battle had been seen.
  7. Nobody doubts that ambassadors have been sent to the Senate.
  8. A good father will take care that his children are well fed and clothed.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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