The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Recapitulatory - Passive Voice. Indicative Mood.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 52. First Conjugation, Passive.

  • appello, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to call.
  • concilio, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to conciliate.
  • creo, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to create.
  • oppugno, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to storm, attack.
  • expugno, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to take by storm.
  • narro, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to relate.
  • vulnero, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to wound.
  • sagitta, -ae, f., an arrow.
  • victima, -ae, f., a victim.
  • classis, -is, f., a fleet.
  • Alexander, -dri, m., Alexander.

Vocabulary 53. First Conjugation.

  • armo, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to arm.
  • civitas, -atis, f., the state.
  • dictator, -oris, m., dictator.
  • acriter, adv., sharply, vigorously.
  • strenue, adv., busily, actively.
  • tam, conj., so.
  • fere, adv., almost.
  • Iterum, adv., a second time.

Vocabulary 54. Second Conjugation, Passive.

  • appello, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to call.
  • concilio, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to conciliate.
  • creo, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to create.
  • oppugno, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to storm, attack.
  • expugno, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to take by storm.
  • narro, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to relate.
  • vulnero, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to wound.
  • sagitta, -ae, f., an arrow.
  • victima, -ae, f., a victim.
  • classis, -is, f., a fleet.
  • Alexander, -dri, m., Alexander.

Vocabulary 55. Second Conjugation, Passive.

  • dubito, -as, -avi, -atum, -are,, to doubt.
  • moveo, -es, movi, motum, -ere,, to move.
  • dubius, -a, -um, adj., doubtful.
  • totus, -a, -um, adj., whole.
  • tantus, -a, -um, adj., so great.
  • nemo, -nis, m., nobody.
  • multitudo, -inis, f., multitude.
  • adventus, -us, m., coming, arrival.
  • cito, adv., quickly.
  • quin, conj., that, but that.


  1. Ablative of (living) Agent, Ablative of Instrument.
  2. Usage of ne.
  3. Quin and doubts.
  4. Direct and Indirect Questions

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Exercise A

  1. Learn once more Vocabularies 52.-55., and the Indicative of amor, moneor, regor, and audior.
  2. Write out and learn the Rules 20.-23. and Observations to Exercises on Passive Verbs.
  3. Parse creamini, terrebaris, ducemur, and puniemini.

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Exercise B

1. Read off the English, naming Mood and Tense, of:

  • amabaris; moneris; regeris; audiemur.
  • amabimur; monebamini; regeris; audimini.
  • amamini; morteberis; regimini; audiuntur.
  • amabuntur; monentur; regemur; audientur.

2. Say off the corresponding Active form of these Verbs, giving the meaning in English.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Carthago, urbs florentissima, a duce Romano deleta est.
  2. Nonne rex sagitta vulneratur?
  3. Acies in medio monte instructa est.
  4. Darius, rex Persiae, ab Alexandro Magno victus est.
  5. Duae turres in extremo ponte construentur.
  6. Nautae maris periculis non facile terrentur.
  7. Saepe contra eum monitus eras.
  8. Pons ab Horatio fortiter tenebatur.
  9. Barbari cum magna pernicie fugati sunt.
  10. Obsidum manus non vinciuntur.
  11. Graecia ab ingenti Persarum multitudine invasa est.
  12. Legati ad Senatum de pace mittentur.
  13. Tota urbs adventu regis movebitur.
  14. Nonne Caesar de morte sua monitus est?

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. Ambassadors were sent to Camillus, and be was created dictator.
  2. Very many Gauls were slain in battle with the Romans.
  3. The state will be preserved by the wisdom of the Senate.
  4. The tower at the end of the bridge was destroyed by the river.
  5. The town will be soon attacked by our troops.
  6. The mountain is held by the enemy.
  7. Our camp was nearly surrounded.
  8. Will the bodies of the slain be buried today?
  9. The march of our infantry will be impeded by the enemy.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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