The Beginner's Latin Exercises. Third Conjugation, Verbs in -io.


  • Exercise A shows what has to be learnt and written in preparation for the next exercises (and future lessons).
  • Exercise B contains viva voce Exercises.
  • Exercise C (from Latin) and Exercise D (from English) contain the sentences to be translated, either orally or in writing.

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Vocabulary 67. 3rd Conjugation, -io Verbs.

  • facio, -is, feci, factum, -ĕre,, to do, make.
  • iacio, -is, ieci, iactum, -ĕre,, to throw, hurl.
  • abicio, -is, -ieci, -iectum, -ĕre,, to cast away.
  • conicio, -is, -ieci, -iectum, -ĕre,, to cast.
  • capio, -is, cepi, captum, -ĕre,, to take.
  • rapio, -is, -ui, -ptum, -ĕre,, to carry off, to seize upon.
  • fugio, -is, fugi, -itum, -ĕre,, to flee.
  • interficio, -is, -feci, -fectum, -ĕre,, to slay.
  • morior, -ĕris, mortuus sum, mori, v.dep., to die.
  • patior, -ĕris, passus sum, pati, v.dep., to suffer.
  • egredior, -ĕris, egressus sum, egredi, v.dep., to go out.
  • progredior, -ĕris, progressus sum, progredi, v.dep., to advance.
  • regreidior, -ĕris, regressus sum, regredi, v.dep., to go back.
  • telum, -i, n., a weapon, dart.
  • alius, alia, aliud, pron., another.


  1. There are a few Deponents of this class declined like the Passive of capio; as, patior, morior, egredior, progredior.
  2. The Imperative (2d Person Singular) of dico, duco, and facio is dic, duc, and fac.

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Exercise A

  1. Learn Vocabulary 67., and revise Vocabularies 65. and 66. and the Verb capio.
  2. Write out the 1st and 3nd Person Singular of patior throughout.
  3. Write out such parts of the Verb fugio as are like the Third Conjugation, omitting the Perfect-Stem Tenses.
  4. Write out such parts of the Verb morior as are like the Fourth Conjugation, omitting the Perfect-Stem Tenses.

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Exercise B

1. Say off the 1st and 3nd Person Singular throughout the Indicative and Conjunctive of:

  • facio, rapio, patior, and egredior.

2. Give orally the Imperative of:

  • dico, facio, fugio, and patior.

3. Give the Present Infinitive and the Gerund of:

  • facio, fugio, patior, potior, and morior.

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Exercise C: read and translate from Latin.

  1. Reges bellum et pacem faciunt.
  2. Dic mihi ubi corpus canis abjecerifi.
  3. Barbari tela in nostros coniciunt.
  4. Hostes superati fugere conati sunt.
  5. Nescimus quid facias.
  6. Nesciebamus quid faceres.
  7. Tam territi sunt hostes ut trans fluvium fugiant.
  8. Fac iter nobiscum trans mare.
  9. Duc, amice, ego sequar.
  10. Ita vivamus ut beate moriamur.
  11. Nostri impetum in hostes faciunt et multos ex iis interficiunt.
  12. Consules ex urbe egrediuntur et ad castra nostra progrediuntur.

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Exercise D: read and translate from English.

  1. After the war the consuls will return to the city.
  2. Many men make journeys into other lands.
  3. It is sweet to die for (one's) country.
  4. Friends, let us die for our wives and children.
  5. Great fishes seize-upon small (ones).
  6. Who doubts that the town is taken?
  7. Tell us where the enemy have fled.
  8. The city is taken; the citizens flee, and the soldiers are-carrying-off their goods.
  9. The consul having cheered-on the cavalry returned to the infantry.

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C.Sherwill Dawe, The Beginner's Latin Exercises Book, 1880, Rivington, Waterloo Place, London; read the book on

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